The Land Use & Zoning Practice at Beighley, Myrick, Udell, Lynne + Zeichman, P.A. “BMU Law” focuses on the various approaches individuals and businesses use to address the design, development and use of real estate in Florida. This practice also works directly with our Government Affairs & Regulated Industries attorneys responding to local, state and federal government agencies, elected officials, and neighborhood organizations in the regulation of business practices and use of land.
BMU Law’s attorneys have the background to advocate for parties in each aspect of land use, zoning, site plans, plats, surveys, easements, land development, development orders, permits, leasing, purchase and sale agreements, development agreements, investment agreements, code enforcement, and land use appeals and litigation. Navigating development orders and permit matters requires discretion, thoughtful analysis to develop a strategy, competent negotiating, and a willingness and ability to go to court including through trial. BMU Law’s attorneys provide the dedicated, thorough, and experienced hands that private developers have relied on for their own investment portfolio.